- I'm cold. It may be warmer here than in MN, but it's still cold.
- Domino's pizza sounds good right now...I'm in the land of pizza and I want Domino's. WHAT.
- I can't wait for my package to arrive...MOM have you sent it yet? I love youuuu, but I also really want my Indiana sweatshirt...<3
- I wanna wish you a merry Christmas, I wanna wish you a merry Christmas, I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heeeeaaarrt!
- Oh Christmas, Christmas, I love Christmas. I'm so excited to see how the Italians celebrate it. I realized today that November is almost over which means it's totally acceptable to start singing Christmas songs, right?
- Where should I go for my walk today? It's quite nice out today so I think I will go farther than usual. :)
- My biggest pet peeve... So many people in Italy smoke that I've gotten quite used to it. It drives me crazy when they leave the ash on the end of their cigarette instead of tapping it off. Seriously, it makes me insane.
- I went out for pizza with friends and during our conversation one of my friends told me that he hates when the pens that click are left with the click thing open...he said he literally goes crazy if it's open and nobody closes it. Talk about OCD.
- I went on a motor bike for the first time. It was fun! Not nearly as big of a deal as I thought. :)
- I realized I cannot go to bed without a way of telling the time within reaching distance. I woke up so many times last night and couldn't fall back asleep because all I wanted to know was what time it was. But I wasn't going to stand up because my bed is quite creaky.
- I've been in Italy for 2 1/2 months and I still can't speak Italian. I feel like that awkward late-bloomer.
- Italians are not a fan of Justin Bieber. I really hope he doesn't ever try to make it big here.
- People in America use red plastic cups for parties, people in Italy use small clear plastic cups. I haven't seen a single red solo cup here.
- Italian parents are way more chill than American parents. No offense against you guys, but it's nice that they're so accepting and forgiving of everything.<3
- Basketball games get canceled because of leaks that let a ton of water into the gym.
- Italian schools- where everything that's supposed to happen doesn't happen.
- I found out I've been accepted to St. Kate's with a scholarship of at least $19,000 :)
- Italian ketchup has a funny taste about it. I miss good ol' Heinz.
- Italians cheat for everything, and when a teacher comes to watch the class while your teacher goes to the bathroom, he also helps you cheat and warns you when your teacher is coming back.
- Everybody appears to be friends, but nobody hesitates to talk about each other behind the back. It happens with everyone. That's the biggest thing I cannot get used to.
- Parties are actually quite exclusive here. I used to think that anybody could go, but that's not true. Luckily, people like the American. ;)
- Euros still feel like play money to me. I can't get over the fact that stores actually accept my money!
- I read a book called Il Profeta...it was really good! It made me question quite a few outlooks I have on life.
- Italians don't always yell, but when they do it doesn't mean their fighting. When I first arrived I thought my family was fighting all the time because I couldn't understand anything they were saying. I'm starting to be able to understand normal conversations now and I've realized that everybody here just really likes to yell.
- Watching t.v. for five hours a day is totally normal here. I absolutely hate it, so I go for walks a lot. Who knew such a small town could be so interesting! I could literally spend hours walking around the old part of Galatina because there are so many random little alleys and streets.
- While I love Galatina, everybody here hates it. They are astonished at the fact that I find it lovely here. My friends always ask me why I chose to come here, of all the places in Italy. I quickly reassure them that I simply chose Italy and from there it wasn't my decision anymore.
- Even though it may be 65 degrees here, everybody still wears a winter jacket and scarf. I walked outside in jeans and a button up shirt once and I don't think I've ever received more strange looks in my life.
- TODAY IS SATURDAY. Except I'm not feeling very well, so who knows if I'll do anything tonight...
- English songs are played everywhere- the radio, the supermarket, in the center of town...literally everywhere. And the majority of people don't even understand them! It's a little odd.
Until next time, P&L.
Ali :*