Wednesday, October 30, 2013

People Like Us, We Don't Need That Much

Ciao tutti!

I am on a high right now. Life has been so good lately..I'm HAPPY. Genuinely happy. There are a few different reasons for my sudden shift in moods, and I am grateful for all of them. It was becoming a bit depressing, what with the constant homesickness, so this period of my exchange has been greatly needed.

To sum up the last week in one word, it would be 'family'. I attended a camp for Intercultura on October 22-25, with all the other AFSers from Puglia and Basilicata. I met most of the people on Tuesday, and when it came time to leave on Friday, I kind of felt like my heart was being ripped out. It's amazing how close I became with some of those people in only 72 hours. We stayed up all night, ate too much food, laughed until our stomachs ached, and made friends for life. It was the most perfect time ever, and I cannot wait until I see all of them again. So while at this camp, I was very surprised by the limited amount of group activities that they had for us. I was expecting to be bored all day, sitting in a conference room, wanting to go home. Instead, they only had about 2 hours of activities each day, and the rest was free time. That was easily the best thing they could have done for us. While sitting in the conference room for 2 hours each day, I was extremely bored. I did nothing, and I learned nothing. The most memorable parts of the camp were when a group of us would be sitting out on the balcony, trading jokes and talking about literally everything. Some things I wish would have gone unsaid and others made me realize that we are all in the exact same situation, dealing with the exact same problems and missing the exact same things. I now have this great family that I can talk to whenever I need something. They understand everything and always give the best advice out of anyone. was absolutely fantastic. Then I came home, slept in Saturday instead of going to school, and then went out with some of my best friends on Saturday and Sunday. It was such a relaxing weekend, even though it was loads of fun. I've come to find that hanging out with guys is always the best option, because no matter what we do, I always have a good time. They know how to fill the awkward moments even with a language barrier, and I never feel uncomfortable or left out. So as of lately, I have been hanging out with one girl and all of her friends. We always do something different, and I don't think I could be any happier right now. At the moment, I am getting ready to go out with a friend...I mentioned that I was bored, and he offered to go out with me. My friends are great <3

That's all for now, it's time for me to go...

Ciao everybody, I love you guys <3


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